






Magellanic Cloud
Emission-line Survey

Welcome to the home page of the Magellanic Cloud Emission-line Survey (MCELS)!

MCELS is a survey of two of our nearest neighboring galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. We are doing the survey in the bright emission of Hydrogen (Halpha 6563), Sulfur ([S II] 6724), and Oxygen ([O III] 5007) from the interstellar gas of these two galaxies to study the properties, kinematics, and dynamics of the "violent" interstellar medium.

Although we're just getting started on the project (and these pages), you can already see some samples of the utility as well as the beauty of emission-line imaging which we will be bringing to the astronomical community and the public in general.

The Emission-line Image Gallery

Our Emission-line Image Gallery displays a selection of black-and-white, false color, and three-color images of various nebluae of the Magellanic Clouds we've recently imaged.

MC Planetary Nebulae (PNe)

The MC Planetary Nebula page has catalogs of previously identified PNe (planetary nebulae) and candidates. As we identify more PNe, we will add them to the catalogs.

MC Supernova Remnants (SNRs)

The MC SNRs page has catalogs of previously identified supernova remnants (SNRs), as well as news about newly identified SNRs and candidates! As we identify more remnants, we will add them to the catalogs.

MC HII Regions

Here we hope to soon have a database of Henize names and DEM names, along with images from the preliminary reductions of the first of the MCELS data!

MC Image Database

The Emission-line Image Database will eventually allow you to call up emission-line images of any region of the Magellanic Clouds, as well as which fields we have observed and what the current reduction status is.

The MCELS is funded in part through the support of the McLaughlin Fellowship (for C. Smith), a bequest from the family of Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin in memory of his lasting impact on astronomy. Funding is also provided through the NSF.

This Web page is maintained by Chris Smith of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Michigan. Please send comments, suggestions, or reports of any problems to

Last update: Saturday, February 1, 1997