Recent Papers:
- Tang & Worthey 2015, "On disentangling initial mass function degeneracies in integrated light"
- Worthey 2015, "Precision age indicators that exploit chemically peculiar stars"
- Tang, Worthey, & Davis 2014, "Composite stellar populations and element by element abundances in the Milky Way bulge and elliptical galaxies"
- Worthey, Tang & Serven 2014, "Individual Alpha Elements, C, N, and Ba in Early-type Galaxies"
- Worthey & Lee 2011 color calibration paper
Tabular Data:
Color Calibration Table and Interpolation Program (tar.gz)
Dial-a-Model Pages:
Dial-a-Galaxy 1994
Colors for stars
Worthey & Lee 2006 color calibration paper